Gallery - Example 6
Below is the R code to reproduce the example:library(DECIPHER)
> library(RSQLite)
> genomes <- c(`Y. pestis antiqua`="Yersinia_pestis_Antiqua_uid58607/NC_008150",
+ `Y. pestis CO92`="Yersinia_pestis_CO92_uid57621/NC_003143",
+ `Y. pestis KIM10`="Yersinia_pestis_KIM_10_uid57875/NC_004088",
+ `Y. pestis Microtus`="Yersinia_pestis_biovar_Microtus_91001_uid58037/NC_005810",
+ `Y. pestis Nepal`="Yersinia_pestis_Nepal516_uid58609/NC_008149",
+ `Y. enterocolitica palearctica`="Yersinia_enterocolitica_palearctica_105_5R_r__uid63663/NC_015224",
+ `Y. pestis Pestoides`="Yersinia_pestis_Pestoides_F_uid58619/NC_009381",
+ `Y. pseudotuberculosis IP31758`="Yersinia_pseudotuberculosis_IP_31758_uid58487/NC_009708")
> dbConn <- dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:")
> path <- ""
> for (i in seq_along(genomes)) {
+ Seqs2DB(paste(path,
+ genomes[i],
+ ".fna",
+ sep=""),
+ "FASTA",
+ dbConn,
+ names(genomes)[i],
+ verbose=FALSE)
+ }
> # find syntenic blocks
> synteny <- FindSynteny(dbConn)
|============================================| 100%
Time difference of 282.64 secs
> # display a dot plot
> labels <- sapply(lapply(strsplit(rownames(synteny), " "),
+ abbreviate,
+ minlength = 9),
+ paste,
+ collapse="\n")
> pairs(synteny, labels=labels)
> # display a bar plot
> plot(synteny)
> # align syntenic blocks
> DNA <- AlignSynteny(synteny, dbConn)
|============================================| 100%
Time difference of 32.3 secs
> dbDisconnect(dbConn)
[1] TRUE